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How to Update Firestick

So, you’ve been enjoying your Firestick, but have you thought about updating it recently?

With the constant advancements in technology, it’s important to make sure that your Firestick is running on the latest software version to improve its performance and access new features.

But how do you actually update your Firestick?

Well, it’s not as complicated as it may seem, and in just a few simple steps, you can have your Firestick up to date with the latest software.

Let’s go through the process together, so you can make the most of your Firestick experience.

7 Steps to Update Your Firestick

1. Check for Firestick Updates

To check for updates on your Firestick, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the ‘Settings’ menu.
  2. Select ‘My Fire TV’.
  3. Choose ‘About’.
  4. Click on ‘Check for Updates’.

This will prompt your Firestick to search for any available updates.

It’s important to keep your Firestick updated to ensure that you have the latest features and security patches. Regularly checking for updates will help your device run smoothly and efficiently.

Updating your Firestick is crucial for maintaining a seamless streaming experience. New updates often come with bug fixes and performance improvements, so staying up to date is essential.

Additionally, updating your Firestick ensures that you have access to the newest apps and services, expanding your entertainment options.

By taking the time to check for updates, you’re actively taking control of your device and enhancing your streaming experience.

Don’t miss out on the latest enhancements—check for Firestick updates regularly to make the most of your streaming experience.

2. Connect to a Stable Network

Before updating your Firestick, it’s important to ensure that your Wi-Fi connection is stable. This will help ensure a smooth updating process without any interruptions.

If you’re experiencing connectivity issues, consider using an Ethernet cable for a more reliable network connection. By doing so, you can avoid any potential disruptions and update your Firestick seamlessly.

Check Wi-Fi Connection

To ensure a stable connection, it’s important to check that your Firestick is connected to a reliable Wi-Fi network. Here are some steps you can take to check your Wi-Fi connection:

  • Check Network Strength: Take a look at the signal strength indicator on your Firestick. If the signal is weak, you might want to consider moving your router closer to the Firestick or using a Wi-Fi extender to improve coverage.
  • Avoid Network Interference: Keep your Firestick away from other electronic devices that could cause interference, like microwaves or cordless phones.
  • Reboot Your Router: Sometimes, simply rebooting your router can resolve connectivity issues. Try unplugging your router, waiting a few seconds, and then plugging it back in to see if the connection improves.

Use Ethernet Cable

Consider connecting your Firestick to a stable network using an Ethernet cable for a more reliable and consistent internet connection. By using an Ethernet cable, you can avoid potential Wi-Fi interference and enjoy better streaming quality.

Here’s a simple comparison to help you understand the benefits:

  • Wi-Fi Connection: Susceptible to interferences
  • Ethernet Connection: Stable and reliable

Wi-Fi connections are prone to interferences, which can result in inconsistent streaming quality. However, by connecting your Firestick via Ethernet, you can enjoy a stable and reliable connection, ensuring a smooth streaming experience without interruptions.

  • Wi-Fi Connection: Limited by Wi-Fi range
  • Ethernet Connection: Not limited by Wi-Fi range

Wi-Fi connections have a limited range, which means you may experience weaker signals and slower speeds if you’re far away from your router. On the other hand, Ethernet connections aren’t limited by Wi-Fi range, providing greater flexibility in where you can use your Firestick without compromising on streaming quality.

  • Wi-Fi Connection: Speed may fluctuate
  • Ethernet Connection: Faster and more stable speed

The speed of Wi-Fi connections can vary depending on various factors, such as the number of devices connected and the distance from the router. Ethernet connections, on the other hand, offer faster and more stable speeds, ensuring reliable performance while streaming your favorite shows and movies.

Connecting your Firestick via Ethernet provides a stable and reliable connection, ensuring a smooth streaming experience without interruptions. Enjoy the freedom of seamless streaming without the hassle of Wi-Fi limitations.

3. Access Firestick Settings

To access the settings on your Firestick, go to the home screen and select the gear icon in the top menu. This will take you to the settings menu where you can customize your Firestick experience.

Once you’re in the settings, you can do the following:

  • Network Settings: Adjust your Wi-Fi or Ethernet settings to ensure a stable and fast internet connection for seamless streaming. You can also check for updates to ensure that your Firestick is running on the latest software version for optimal performance.
  • Display and Sounds: Customize the display and audio settings to suit your preferences. You can adjust the resolution or audio output settings to enhance your viewing experience.
  • Privacy Settings: Manage your privacy settings to control data collection and personalized advertising on your Firestick. This allows you to have more control over your privacy and personal information.

4. Go to Device Preferences

To access the Device Preferences on your Firestick, start by navigating to the Settings menu. You can do this by selecting the gear icon in the top menu on the home screen. Once you’re in the Settings menu, scroll to the right and choose ‘My Fire TV’. This will open the My Fire TV menu. From there, select ‘Developer Options’ and then choose ‘Device Preferences’. You’ll be taken to the Device Preferences where you can customize various settings for your Firestick.

In the Device Preferences, you have the freedom to personalize your Firestick experience. You can adjust display and sound settings, explore accessibility options, and more. Take your time to tailor your Firestick to your liking, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable streaming experience.

5. Select System Updates

To update your Firestick, go to the ‘Settings’ menu and select the ‘System’ tab.

From there, click on ‘Check for Updates’ to see if there’s an available update.

If an update is found, simply click on ‘Install’ to begin the update process.

It’s important to regularly update your Firestick to ensure that you have the latest features and security patches.

Check for Updates

Make sure to regularly check for updates on your Firestick to keep it up to date with the latest software improvements. By regularly checking for updates, you can ensure that your Firestick is running on the latest software version, which can bring improvements and new features to enhance your streaming experience.

Here’s how you can do it:

  1. Go to the ‘Settings’ menu on your Firestick home screen.
  2. Scroll right and select ‘My Fire TV’.
  3. Choose ‘About’ and then select ‘Check for Updates’.

Install Available Updates

If there’s an update available for your Firestick, you can easily install it by following these steps.

Start by going to the home screen and selecting ‘Settings’ from the menu.

Then, scroll to the right and choose ‘My Fire TV.’

Next, select ‘About’ and then ‘Check for Updates.’

If there’s an update available, you’ll be asked to install it. Just select ‘Install Update’ and wait for the process to finish.

Your Firestick will restart automatically once the update is installed.

It’s important to keep your Firestick updated to ensure it runs smoothly and has access to the latest features.

6. Initiate Software Update

To start the software update on your Firestick, go to the System menu in Settings. Follow these simple steps:

  1. From the home screen of your Firestick, select ‘System’.
  2. Use the remote to navigate to the ‘Settings’ option and press the ‘Select’ button.
  3. Scroll down and choose ‘System’.
  4. Select ‘Software Update’ from the System menu.
  5. In the System menu, scroll down and choose ‘Software Update’.
  6. Your Firestick will check for any available updates. If there’s an update, you’ll be prompted to download and install it.
  7. Initiate the update process by selecting ‘Download’.
  8. Once the download is complete, select ‘Install’ to update your Firestick with the latest software.

7. Verify Update Completion

To verify that the software update on your Firestick is complete, you can follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Home screen on your Firestick.
  2. Select ‘Settings’ from the menu.
  3. Scroll right and choose ‘My Fire TV.’
  4. Select ‘About’ and then ‘Check for Updates.’
  5. The software version displayed should match the latest version available for Firestick.
Also Read: Difference between TCP and UDP


Updating your Firestick is a simple process that can greatly enhance your streaming experience. By keeping your device up to date, you can enjoy improved performance and access to the latest features and content. It’s important to regularly check for updates to ensure that you’re getting the most out of your Firestick.

To update your Firestick, follow these steps:

  1. Connect your Firestick to your TV and turn it on.
  2. Go to the home screen and select ‘Settings’ from the menu.
  3. Scroll to the right and select ‘My Fire TV’.
  4. Choose ‘About’ from the options.
  5. Select ‘Check for Updates’.
  6. If an update is available, your Firestick will automatically download and install it.
  7. Once the update is complete, your Firestick will restart.

It is recommended to keep your Firestick connected to a stable internet connection during the update process. This will ensure a smooth and uninterrupted update.

By regularly updating your Firestick, you can take advantage of new features, bug fixes, and performance enhancements. So don’t forget to check for updates and keep your Firestick up to date for the best streaming experience possible.